Horses To Follow » Look Back Smiling

Look Back Smiling

Look Back Smiling only finished fourth of six in the seven-furlong classified stakes at Ascot last Friday, but he ran better than that. Weak in the market beforehand, he was held up early on at the back of the small field and along the stands rail, but he switched off the rail on the run to the two-furlong marker and delivered his challenge among horses. Still last passing the two-furlong marker, he had to switch all the way over to the far side in order to get a clear run, and he finished off his race well. He drifted out to the centre of the track though, as Lord Bertie came with his winning run closest to the stands rail.

This was Look Back Smiling’s first run since May, so there is every reason to expect that he will come on for it, with an autumn campaign in mind. Gemma Tutty’s horse is at his best when he can be delivered late off a fast pace on soft ground and ideally in a big field. Winner of a 10-runner handicap on soft ground at Doncaster on his final run last season, he won the Spring Mile back at Doncaster on soft ground on his debut this season off a mark of 83. He is back down to a mark of 88 now, just 5lb higher than he was then, and he will be of interest again now in a good handicap ideally on soft ground as we move more deeply into the autumn. And he will be of greatest interest if he runs at one of the Doncaster meetings between now and the end of the season.

Ascot, 6th September 2024